Steve Art Gallery LLC, USA.


This artist is not available now.

Mushrooms dj individualism Yosemite Falls Jacksons'gap Portrait d-un nain tenant un volume sur The Death of General Wolfe Poussin Eel Spearing at Setauket The Education of the Virgin sf Child with a Whip Harlem Red silk stockings Une Ouled Nail -32- By the river oreja de van gogh Still life of roses,carnations and polya Liseuse dans la campagne -11- The Baptism of Clovis Wheat Fields with Stacks -nn04- Prisonniers ramenes du front The Bard The Toilet of Esther -05- Lamentations Over the Dead Christ The Daughters of Pelichtim The Marriage of St Catherine awr Minneola Design Ballsh The Cliff at Etretat after a Storm Virgin Annunciate hhh The Piet -The Lamentation of Christ- dfh Woman with a Dove sdv Behind the Bar Holand Music I -20- Portrait of the Duke of Wellington. Woman Holding Flowers Portrait of a Man hh Ploughing at Sunset Marshall
Nikolay Fechin:
Russian, 1881-1955


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