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Family Portrait ert The Raising of Lazarus Leda and the Swan Deer at the Edge of t he Forest -34- Acton A Beach with Shipping Offshore Sandcity Alpha Young Priestess -26- The Vale of Ashburnham Tobit Accuses Anna of Stealing the Kid The Bucintore Returning to the Molo on A Birds and a Spaniel in a Garden -25- The Doge in the Bucentaur at San Nicolo The Entombment fg The Siene at La Grande Jatte The People of Myra Welcoming St. Nichola Stebbins Red and Gold Sunnyside-tahoecity The Chateau Noir Horse Races in the Bois de Boulogne Sibyl Eliezer dt Rebecca Corn Husking Glad Day Karpos Annibale Carracci Madonna and Child with Saints The Archduke Leopold-s Gallery The Stolen Kiss Italy.A.Night in Naples Aachen Loksa Predella- Deposition wrf Damned soul descending into Hell Flower Garden and Bungalow,Bermuda -44- Torrid Zone

Oil Painting ID::. 56982


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