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Two female nude in the jungle Montmartre-Quarry,the Mills -nn040 Moses Striking the Rock dfg Sleigh Races in the Petrovsky Park Landscape sf her Three Women Plucking Madrakes Le Gouter Portrait of Julia Makovskaya, The Artist Wall painting from the House of Julia Fe Street Scene with Six Figures Englewood Details of Verkundigung an Zacharias Fumeuse de haschich -32- Washington traversant la Delaware Portrait of Antonio Canova Alma Tadema reproductions, photographed Miss Constable dg Hinter Schonau and Reiteralp Mountains,B Hammond Kaneohestation Waterfall with Castle Built on the Rock The deposition The church of Paris Scenes from the Life of St Francis -Scen Lilies Firelight Procession at the Pueblo on Ch Prophet Eliseus and the Woman of Sunem f Marchands de fourrures descendant le Mis Venus and Cupid with a Satyr Leopold Survage -38- Phoenix Art Museum Port Theodore Caruelle D Aligny Cordoba La Baigneuse de Valpincon Painting Number 5

Oil Painting ID::. 21679


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