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Two chained musician demons The Painter-s Honeymoon Martha Washington Federico Faruffini Morphou Virgin and Child with the Patron Saints View of Naples uit A woman in Blue Madonna of the Magnificat fg Tirol The Judgement of Paris -08- CATARINO Anna Dollfus, Baronne de Bourgoing Saint jerome in an extensive rocky lands Beach in Normandy -22- A Woman and her Maid in a Coutyard -08- John H F Bacon CARIANI St George and the Dragon Family Portrait KEIRINCKX, Alexander Portrait of Charles VII of France dg Bacchus and Ariadne ar Lambert Jacobsz The Family of Queen Victoria -25- Christ before Pilate af Recreation by our Gallery Tremont Engure Merry Company -detail- Villagepark Aurora all poster A Hunter with Dogs Against a Landscape Dorothy Master of the Louvre Nativity Elmwoodpark The church of Paris

Oil Painting ID::. 03757


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